Make a Mess Shop

Merch Design, Product Photography, eCommerce
March 2021

In March of 2021, I decided to open up a shop to sell some product ideas that had been floating around in my head for a while. I wanted to make a collection of colorful, quirky, funny items both based on some of my favorite media as well as original illustrations and art.

Product Photography

There are of course simpler ways to go about photographing your own products, but I took my shop opening as an opportunity to try more elaborate product photography than I'd previously had a chance to do. I wanted colorful and bright imagery that matched my designs but didn't take away too much focus.

Creating a Set Design

I created a small set for each piece that had matching vibes to the product. I went into every shoot with a rough idea of what I wanted and built the set pieces out of things I had around the house- paper, cereal, gift wrap.

Application & Documentation

After evaluating what style fit our brand, we started testing the style in the real world by applying it to existing assets. Once we could see the illustrations in different settings, we made adjustments to the style.

Opening a Shop

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Product Photography

There are of course simpler ways to go about photographing your own products, but I took my shop opening as an opportunity to try more elaborate product photography than I'd previously had a chance to do. I wanted colorful and bright imagery that matched my designs but didn't take away too much focus.

Creating a Set Design

I created a small set for each piece that had matching vibes to the product. I went into every shoot with a rough idea of what I wanted and built the set pieces out of things I had around the house- paper, cereal, gift wrap.

Application & Documentation

After evaluating what style fit our brand, we started testing the style in the real world by applying it to existing assets. Once we could see the illustrations in different settings, we made adjustments to the style.

Final Images